Tuotteet luokiteltuna: Lovibond Wasseranalytik - Ensimmäinen kirjain: C
Artikkelinumero Selvennys
807720722 COD Tube Test (VARIO COD) HR Measuring range 200-15000 mg/l O2, Box with 25 vials Lovibond® tube tests enable the user to easily perform highly sensitive...
2423100 COD Tube test VLR Range  2.0 - 60.0 mg/L, 25 tubes per Box Lovibond® tube tests enable the user to easily perform highly sensitive and precise water...
2423120 COD Tube Test LMR COD Tube Test LMR, Range 15 - 300 mg/l O2, Box with 25 tubes Lovibond® tube tests enable the user to easily perform highly sensitive and...
2418940 COD Thermoreactor RD 125 For tube tests 230/115 V/50-60 HZ Preparation for the photometrical determination Flexible thermoreactor for sample preparation of...
807720720 COD Tube Test (VARIO COD) LR Measuring range 3-150 mg/l O2 , Box with 25 vials Lovibond® tube tests enable the user to easily perform highly sensitive and...
807720721 COD Tube Test (VARIO COD) MR Measuring range 20-1500 mg/l O2 , Box with 25 vials Lovibond® tube tests enable the user to easily perform highly sensitive...
2892602 COD Set-Up MD200 VARIO Determination of the chemical oxygen demand index (ST-COD) The Lovibond® COD Setups allow highly sensitive and precise water...
2961302 COD Set-Up MD110 Determination of the chemical oxygen demand index (ST-COD) The Lovibond® COD Setups allow highly sensitive and precise water testing...
107718654 Complete set Overflow flasks Complete set Overflow flasks: 428ml, 360ml, 244ml, 157ml, 94ml, 56ml and 21,7ml
724740 Conductivity measuring device SD325 Con (Set 1) Conductivity electrode LC 12 (4-pole graphite, < 200 mS/cm) Waterproof Hand-held Meters for the...
724750 Conductivity measuring device SD325 Con ( Set 2) Conductivity electrode LC 16 (4-pole graphite, < 1000 mS/cm) Waterproof Hand-held Meters for the...
724760 Conductivity measuring device SD325 Con (Set 3) Ultra pure water electrode LC 10 (2-pole stainless steel, < 200 µS/cm) Waterproof Hand-held Meters for the...
107712250 Calibration solution 1413µS/cm, traceable to NIST Solution, 500ml For water analysis in laboratories or mobile Lovibond® standard solutions are ideal for...